On 2010-01-27, Manuel Borchers <man...@matronix.de> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 27.01.2010, 07:21 -0700 schrieb Gary Thomas:
>> What happens if you use 'ecosconfig'?  e.g.
>>    % ecosconfig new <target> redboot
>>    % ecosconfig import .../reboot_ram.ecm
>>    % ecosconfig tree
>>    % make
> This works fine on the Innovator port and also on my stuff
> (till the point where I need to implement more stuff ;)
> So, the cli interface seems to work fine. From the book
> "embedded software develpment with eCos" and other web
> resources I got the impression one shouldn't rellay go with
> the cli interface because of no real conflict resolution
> mechanism...

AFAICT, the vast majority of serious developers use the cli
interface.  I find it far easier to document/reproduce stuff
using the cli: a shell script with a few comments serves as
both automation and documentation.  And it works fine when
you're ssh'ed in remotely.  I find that generating CDL
fragments in the shell-script and then importing them is a very
powerful and convenient method for managing configuration

> I guess I'll just stick with the cli interface, but would not
> mind in investigating the crash of the gui further.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I just forgot my whole
                                  at               philosophy of life!!!

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