On 2010-02-06, Bart Veer <ba...@ecoscentric.com> wrote:
>>>>>> "Grant" == Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> writes:
>    Grant> Assume we're using the MLQ scheduler and there are a set of
>    Grant> threads all running at the same priority. The eCos docs
>    Grant> specify that the running thread won't be pre-empted by
>    Grant> another thread of the same priority unless the running
>    Grant> thread explicitly yields/blocks.
>    Grant> What isn't specified is what happens when a higher priority
>    Grant> thread becomes runnable, preempts one of our set-of-equals,
>    Grant> then blocks. Since the documentation doesn't specify that
>    Grant> the original thread will be resumed, I assume the scheduler
>    Grant> is free to choose any of the ready threads?
> In theory yes, and of course the behaviour may change at any time
> since we have not documented specific behaviour.    

That was my conclusion.

>    Grant> In practice is there a way to predict which of multiple ready,
>    Grant> equal-priority threads will be scheduled?  [No, I'm not going
>    Grant> to depend on it, but I'm curious.]
> IIRC (and it has been a while since I looked at the code), in
> practice a thread will remain at the head of its priority's
> run queue unless it explicitly yields/blocks or gets
> timesliced. Hence when there are no more runnable
> higher-priority threads the preempted thread gets resumed.

That appears to be the behavior we've observered, but I've told
people not to depend on it.

> It may of course get timesliced microseconds later when the
> next clock interrupt occurs, if timeslicing is enabled and its
> slice has expired.
>    Grant> The real-world case is a thread that calls send() on a TCP
>    Grant> socket.  Some code was written under the assumption that the
>    Grant> thread that called send() would continue to run (after network
>    Grant> threads were finished) until it explicitly yeilded or blocked.

That raises another question: is the MLQ shedule queueing
behavior defined in the case when a thread does explicitly
yield?  IOW is the yield()ing thread guaranteed to go the back
of queue?

The user manual mentions using cyg_thread_yeild() to implement
cooperative multitasking among a group of equal-priority
threads.  For that to work, there needs to be a queue ordering
policy to guarantee something like round-robin scheduling of
threads within the equal-priority group.

Despite my encouragement to come up with a more event-driven
design, somebody I work with has a group of equal-priority
threads that call cyg_thread_yield() and cyg_thread_delay() as
a sort of cooperative multi-tasking scheme.  AFAICT, it seems
to work, but it makes me a bit uneasy...

>    Grant> I don't think that assumption is valid, and calling send() may
>    Grant> cause a context switch (indirectly) to another equal-priority
>    Grant> task.
> send() is not a primitive kernel call. It needs to synchronize with
> the rest of the TCP/IP stack for access to resources like mbufs. It
> needs to synchronize with the I/O layers and the device driver for
> access to the hardware. Etc.

FWIW based on some scheduler tracing, the main "interruption"
that happens when calling send() is that it usually un-blocks
one/both of the network threads (which are generally higher

> There is no easy way to predict just what is going to happen
> in terms of context switches, and any code that makes such
> assumptions is not going to be robust.

Thanks for confirming that.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! If our behavior is
                                  at               strict, we do not need fun!

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