On 08.03.2010 08:40, Nataraj S Narayan wrote:

> Can we simply say that a device with MMU may go
> for Linux and without for eCos?

Well, there is a Linux port for MMU-less devices
(http://www.uclinux.org/) that is quite usable,
but of course the lack of MMU brings some
limitations similar to eCos.

I wanted to say that an application where the virtual
memory is _needed_ (for example because you are
allocating memory in a way that the fragmentation
would create problems and can't cange that) needs
a full-blown Linux.

Whether the device itself has or does not have
a MMU is not so important here. A MMU-less device
can run uClinux and a device with a MMU can
run eCos.


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