Hi Sridhar

smolugu wrote:

> I set the arm-none-eabi in Configuration -> Global build options -> Global
> command
> now I am getting the following error, it says it cannot find file
>  /ecos-3.0/packages/services/memalloc/common/v3_0/src/heapgen.cpp: No such
> file or directory
> but this file is present in packages/service/memalloc/common/v3/src but this
> is only.cpp file the rest of the files are .cxx (c++ file) why this change I
> cannot make out.

This looks like a POSIX file path conversion issue. Your native win32
version of arm-none-eabi-gcc does not understand the POSIX file paths
generated by Cygwin-hosted tools. There was some discussion about this a
few weeks ago:


John Dallaway
eCos maintainer

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