Hi John,

Am Dienstag, den 18.05.2010, 17:12 +0100 schrieb John Dallaway:
> Make sure that your eCos library and application builds are up to date
> since configuring CYGSEM_HAL_DIAG_MANGLER == "None". You might consider
> a "make clean" to be sure.
> I usually disable CYGDBG_HAL_DIAG_TO_DEBUG_CHAN to break the association
> between diagnostics and debug entirely when using JTAG with ARM targets.
> I hope this helps...

Yes, thanks for your quick answer. I thought about something like that
already and started from "scratch", because I couldn't remember what
exactly I did to clean the tree. I startet from scratch with a new ecc
file, make clean and make. I also found the
Et voila, the messages are coming through in plain text :)


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