
Basically, a general lack of experience with the ARM architecture,
eCos, GNU tools, and Eclipse is stopping us in the port.  It's quite a
steep learning curve trying to fit all of those pieces together and
deal with so many unknowns.

I have been working off the Atmel
AT91SAM7X256 port of eCos, because the processor is quite similar to
the AT91CAP7. Also, I have SAM7X256 sample applications (non-eCos) from
Atmel building and executing unmodified on my CAP7 board.  I am also
able to build and debug these sample apps within Eclipse thru a SEGGER
SAM-ICE JTAG debugger.

I have played with the eCos config tool
extensively, built the SAM7X256 target template, and have been trying
to execute the eCos Hello World sample. I was able to run the Hello
World app through my debugger in Eclipse, and it seemed like it was
getting stuck somewhere.  When I halted the processor I found it was
stuck in the "wait_pmc_sr_2" loop inside "hal_platform_setup.h", which
is a loop that was waiting for the PLL to lock (I was executing within
Eclipse through my JTAG debugger). Since "hal_platform_setup.h" was
SAM7-specific assembly code, I modified it with the correct
functionality for the CAP7, and it looks like I get past that point

now I think I'm lost somewhere in vectors.S - when I execute the app,
it never gets to the breakpoint at main(), my debugger reports "remote
connection closed", and my board and JTAG debugger get into a funky
state where I need to cycle power to the board to get out of it.

is where I am stuck now. I have no idea how to figure out what is going
wrong.  One thing that might help is if I could set breakpoints within
vectors.S, but I can't seem to link the eCos source to the Eclipse
debug session. I have tried all sorts of different path combinations
within the "Source Lookup Path" of the Eclipse "Debug Configuration" -
the Eclipse "Problems" tab reports "Unresolved Breakpoint" for anything I set 
within vectors.S.

Any suggestions?

John Korsakas

From: Christophe Coutand <>
To: John K <>;
Sent: Tue, May 18, 2010 5:38:50 PM
Subject: RE: [ECOS] Porting eCos to the Atmel AT91CAP7

RE: [ECOS] Porting eCos to the Atmel AT91CAP7 
Hi John,

Just curious, what is actually stopping you in your port?

For consulting, you can check with, I beleive they have an office in 


-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of John K
Sent: Tue 5/18/2010 2:39 PM
Subject: [ECOS] Porting eCos to the Atmel AT91CAP7

Hi everyone,

We have been working on porting eCos to the Atmel CAP7 processor core for a 
couple weeks now (starting out with the AT91CAP7A-STK target board), and it's 
going a bit rough. Does anyone else have experience with this processor or 
perhaps is also working on a port?

Or maybe one of you has some general experience porting eCos (plus building & 
debugging apps with Eclipse) and can be hired as a consultant to help kick 
start us? (we've looked at eCosCentric and we were hoping to find someone in 
the US that would only charge a one-time consulting fee rather than royalties). 
The resulting port would be fed back to the community.



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