Hi all,

in the process of porting to the netX family, I'm somewhat stuck with
the serial port drivers. I got an old (non-officially) version of a
serial driver for these chips. They were written for eCos v2, so what I
modified them a bit and went through the APIs and function calls. I'm
using and going through the porting/writing guide at

Everything seems quite right and in the build process I can see that my
netx_serial.o is linked into libextras.a

The configuration includes the driver as well as the common serial io
driver and the tty driver.

But when I link my simple serial demo application, which tries to
use /dev/haldiag, /dev/ser0 and printf directly, /dev/haldiag works
fine. /dev/ser0 isnt't found and printf rises the assertion "
Cyg_StdioStream::write() Stream object is not a valid stream!".

So I used arm-eabi-nm to see if the serial routines have been linked in.
And there I saw, that the netx_serial* functions aren't in there. only
the general serial functions are there, but the serial_init() is never
being called.

So, I'm somewhat stuck here.
What I didn't get quite clear in my mind is the playing together of the
(dumb) serial driver in the platform port and the 'real' serial driver
(as a package).

The dumb driver seems to work fine, as /dev/haldiag is using it and the
assertions come through fine on the port.

I've configured the debug and console channel to be on the second port
of the board, so it doesn't interfer with the first port, which should
be grabbed by the serial driver package.

Any hints, pointers and clarifications are welcome!



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