Bob Brusa wrote:

> Gary Thomas wrote:
> > Bob Brusa wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > under windows xp with cygwin, I entered the command
> > > cvs -z3 update -d -P
> > > It goes through without error messages, but I end up with an
> > > ecos.db-file that is refused by configtool.
> > > 
> > > The file starts with a sequence of >>>>>>> and also includes many cr
> > > (ASCII '\0x0a'). The usual header (comment-section at the beginning of
> > > the file) is missing. What went wrong and how can i fix this?
> > 
> > This indicates you had a conflict in merging the changes to that file,
> > most likely stemming from local changes to the file.
> > 
> > The easiest thing would be to do something like this:
> >   % mv ecos.db ecos.db.BAD
> >   % cvs up ecos.db
> > Then manually compare them and figure out how to merge your changes
> > into the master.
> > 
> I did as you said, but got lots of differences and hence did not trust the
> result. I decided to rename my ecos-folder and download a fresh ecos using the
> command
> cvs -z3 -d co -P ecos
> Then, using the administration tool of configtool, i added my platform and
> template, selected my template (and hardware) from the build menu, created the
> tree and started the build. It stopped after some time with the following
> sequence....
> <cut>
> arm-eabi-gcc -c  -I/ecos-c/ecos/icb4/icb_app_3_install/include
> -I/ecoscvs/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/string/current
> -I/ecoscvs/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/string/current/src
> -I/ecoscvs/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/string/current/tests -I.
> -I/ecoscvs/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/string/current/src/
> -finline-limit=7000 -Wall -Wpointer-arith  -Wundef -Woverloaded-virtual
> -Wno-write-strings -mno-thumb-interwork -mcpu=arm7tdmi -g -O2
> -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
> -Wp,-MD,src/strnlen.tmp -o src/language_c_libc_string_strnlen.o
> /ecoscvs/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/string/current/src/strnlen.cxx
> /ecoscvs/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/string/current/src/strnlen.cxx:71:
> error: 'size_t strnlen(const char*, size_t)' aliased to undefined symbol
> '__strnlen'
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/ecos-c/ecos/icb4/icb_app_3_build/language/c/libc/string/current'
> make[1]: *** [src/strnlen.o.d] Error 1
> make: *** [build] Error 2
> make: Leaving directory `/ecos-c/ecos/icb4/icb_app_3_build'
> When doing a diff, I find that the new ecos.db and the previous repaired one
> match - except for a) nonrelevant comments, spaces etc. and of coarse b) the
> package that I had added. So where is the problem? I am still using the tools
> that came with ecos-3.0. Is this the problem and I must update this as well?
> Robert

Hi Robert,

It was good to know.  If you need exactly ecos-3.0 ecos.db, then you can
grab the original from Web:

scroll down and set:

 Show only files with tag [ecos-v3_0-release  ] [Go]

and download the wanted ecos.db.

NOTE: ecos.db sources itself if you manage eCos packages (add, remove,
packages), so, backup original ecos.db, "diff" it with new one and
adjust addons/rejects using your $EDITOR (in 90% you need to append new
package/target definitions at the end the original ecos.db).

About build error. Perhaps, that's *v3_0* vs *current* mess. Start build
in new fresh directory then.


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