On Mon, 6 Dec 2010, yana.stayk...@teleconsult-austria.at wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have the following problem when I try to run ecosynth:
> Internal error decoding request from eCos application
> Internal error decoding request from eCos application
>     while executing
> "error "Internal error decoding request from eCos application""
>     (procedure "synth::_read_request" line 26)
>     invoked from within
> "synth::_read_request"
> it appears in the dialog window. Can somebody tell me where the problem
> could be ?
> Thank you very much in advance
> Yana

Hi Yana,

Do you try to exec `ecosynth' directly? Do not exec that! The ecosynth is
the eCos synthetic target I/O auxiliary. Look on that "executable" as on
"Loadable I/O" module for Linux synthetic target which is written in


1. Kill that process (destroy Tk widget)

  % pkill ecosynth

0. Read eCos Documentation


2. Build eCos tests for synthetic target

3. Run any test with `--io` argument (if you need I/O auxiliary) and
synth-executable will invoke "ecosynth", e.g.

  % ./install/tests/kernel/current/tests/tm_basic --io

And I hope you will see the famous Tk widget with eCos Logo then.



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