On Tue, 14 Dec 2010, John Dallaway wrote:

> ... It would be interesting to compare the sizes of PolarSSL and
> OpenSSL when configured with the same feature set.

Hi John,

I built and tried PolarSSL on eCos Linux synthetic target, but, that was
external build with its default settings. I know size of got stuff. But,
it seems I need to get CDLized PolarSSL (CYGPKG_POLARSSL eCos package)
for such a comparison (and at first, the Andrew's port of OpenSSL would
be used).  However, in my opinion, that's not very important (I'm about
sizes). The main your Q was Can future eCos releases have 'net/*ssl'
packages out the box at all?  And I'm still having doubts... If we can
have only the 3rd party crypto packages, that's good to have different
alternatives.  And 2-3 alternatives is not too much :-)

Well, as I said 'A', I will work on CYGPKG_POLARSSL. Certainly, that will
be movements only in porting and testing. I am not expert in the field of


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