Hi Alois

Alois Z. wrote:

> I have a very strange problem. I'm currently removing not needed features
> from my eCos configuration in order to save some space for a rather small
> system. For this I don't need the standard input/output functions.
> However every time I try to unload the ISO C library standard input/output
> functions package I get the following linker error when linking the
> application:
> /ecos-c/cygwin/opt/ecos/ecos-3.0/packages/hal/common/v3_0/src/hal_if.c:1065: 
> undefined reference to `cyg_hal_plf_comms_init'
> I'm working an an AT91SAM7S256. I already compared the ecc files of working
> versions and not working versions but IMHO I see only changes that reflect
> the removing of standard i/o functions.

I've just tried building eCos 3.0 for at91sam7sek with default template
and CYGPKG_LIBC_STDIO removed:

> [jld@cog test]$ ecosconfig check
> Target: at91sam7sek
> Template: default
> Removed:
> No conflicts
> [jld@cog test]$ 

I was able to link with the following trivial application without problem:

> #include <cyg/infra/diag.h>
> int main(void) {
>   diag_printf("Hello world\n");
>   return 0;
> }

Try linking your eCos library with a trivial application first and work
from there.

John Dallaway
eCos maintainer

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