Dream:  Animal Morphing by Nutcracker

I was at home when I got the message that I needed to go to this place to
transfer an animal from one location to another.  I was with three other
females.  One was my best friend Barb, the other two, I never saw their
faces.  Barb was in the front passenger seat, I was sitting behind her.  We
both had our windows down.  I was cold and closed mine, wondering if I
should ask Barb to close hers too, but when I
closed mine, hers closed automatically.  Did she read my mind?  We’re
driving along, out in the country on a dirt road.  Up ahead we need to take
a left.  As we do so, to my right I see a grungy Mexican guy in a beat up
tan truck talking to some young boy leaning against a large tree.  I think
to myself, boy, get yourself in the house and quit talking to strangers.  I
feared for the boy’s safety.  We made the left turn and came to our
destination.  It seems like it might have once been a small zoo, now
abandoned.  I walked to were I knew the animal to be.  It was a narrow
rocky path, sandy and golden in color.  The cage was at the end of the
path.  It was actually a cage inside a cage.  The animal, whatever it was,
was banging the interior door against the exterior door.  I opened the
outside door.  I don’t know what kind of animal this is.  It appears to be
a small (dwarf size) deer, but the deer face looks more like a Tapir’s,
oblong and thick.  It doesn’t have the delicate features of any deer I’ve
ever seen.  The animal is still banging away on the door.  There’s no way I
can open it and try to catch the animal by myself in the cage I brought
with me.  I close the outer door and then open it again.  Now the animal is
lying flat on the ground and is a white (baby) seal.  The seal then stands
up on its hind flippers and is hopping and ranting about the cage (acts and
looks like the Tasmanian Devil in the cartoons).  I close the door and go
back to my friends.  Now Bruce Willis (Armageddon) has come to help.  He
and I go to the cage.  He opens the first door then puts his hand inside
the second and pets the animal (which is now lying flat again and is the
baby seal, only brown in color now).  Then the baby seal nips at his hand,
but not seriously biting him.  Bruce opens the seals mouth to show me his
teeth.  It looks like some alien creatures teeth.  It has long white teeth
and these are covered with green circular, sharp pointy teeth that rotate.
There are
approximately 6 of the green circular teeth.  Bruce leaves and I think that
now that the animal is calm, I can get it into the other cage with the help
of my friends. (7/20/98)

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