Dream Title              Hillary Clinton's Death
Date of Dream            11-2-98
3:00 a.m.
Dream                    I am being brought somewhere by some being.  The
location is hard to describe, surreal, simple, outdoors.  Looks something
like a train station/platform.  Hillary Clinton is there all dressed up,
waiting, but Bill Clinton and the others do not arrive.  It is like the
last straw for her.  She decides to kill herself and does so in a car.  It
happens fast.  I am allowed to feel what she is feeling.  She is angry,
very, very sad, tired, in a giving up state.  After her death I am allowed
to feel the sadness in the country as the people mourn her.
Comments by Dreamer      I woke up and felt the dream's residue most of the
day.  I don't want it to be prophetic. I tried applying it to my own life,
but I am not in a relationship, my job is fine and I am not suicidal.  But
I realize that sometimes the most important dreams are the ones we deny.
Also, I wonder if anyone else has had a similar type dream. Thanks, Night Sky
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