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At 8:45 AM -0600 12/30/1999, Culebro E (Enrique) wrote:
>Hello everyone:
>I would like to know if there is a mailing list that focuses on e-commerce,
>I am interested in ideas, comments, etc on products from companies like
>Ariba, commerce-one, etc.
>Enrique Culebro
>To signoff the EDI-L list,  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To subscribe,               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Archives at in bit.listserv.edi-L newsgroup.  Use powersearch.

To signoff the EDI-L list,  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To subscribe,               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives at in bit.listserv.edi-L newsgroup.  Use powersearch.

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