Here's a new one - all mention of EDI has been expunged:  "XML
E-Business Standards: Promises and Pitfalls," dated Jan. 5, 2000, by
Robert Worden, at

It started off inauspiciously, with "Recent announcements by Ford and
General Motors that they both intend to use e-commerce for all their
supply procurements—in Ford's case worth $80 billion per annum—have been
noted by some commentators as signaling the day when e-business came of

How much of that $80 billion is being done by EDI today?  Or are we to
think that Ford still has legions of green eye-shades doing that
procuring, waiting for the advent of XML to automate them out of their

And what's with this "per annum" bit?  I always get suspicious when
people use Latin; the good old Anglo-Saxon "yearly" would have had fewer
syllables, anyway.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
(614) 791-1600

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