> Year 2000 pictures from around the world.  I think you need
> powerpoint to be able to view.


There are enough ugly PowerPoint presentations eating the Net's
precious bandwith. Multiply the 1/2 megabyte of your post by
the number of recepients on this list ...

-- rant --

Why on hell do people with no taste and no inclination for
graphic arts still use that piece of shit? Daily I see brainless
marketing goons spend hours to produce disgusting presentations
they could do in minutes with pencils and paper.

If you can't draw properly, if you have no taste in matching colors
together, if you cannot structure your thoughts and capture the
attention of people with your speach, PowerPoint won't help!

It will only cost you dear in color printer, powerfull computer
and lost productivity.

Of course you can send your presentation by e-mail. But what's
the point? Most of the time they are meant to support a speach.
Without the speach text they are useless. But then, remember,
a true PowerPoint user cannot draw, cannot speek, cannot write ...

All a true PowerPoint user can do is disguise it's complete
lack of creativity, knowledge and presentation skills with
some graphic gimmicks and meeting smalltalk

  "Tout ce qui se conçoit bien s'énnonce clairement
   Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément"

  "Everything well understood can be ennounced clearly
   And the words to say it come easely"

-- rant --


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