I asked on of our business people to comment on John Murray's question and they
replied with the following......

----- Forwarded by Jonathan Showalter/MutualOMA on 01/21/2000 10:12 AM -----
|        |          Cindy Miller  |
|        |                        |
|        |          01/21/2000    |
|        |          07:07 AM      |
|        |                        |
  |                                                                            |
  |      To:     Jonathan Showalter/MutualOMA@Mutual of Omaha                  |
  |      cc:     Ravae Smallwood/MutualOMA@Mutual of Omaha, Vickie             |
  |      Hebing/MutualOMA@Mutual of Omaha                                      |
  |      Subject:     Re: NSF and Other Insured(Document link not converted)   |

The DA0-DA3 records are used to show the insurance the patient has. When there
are multiple insurance's involved, like on the Med Supp we get, the first set of
D records are used for the primary, second set for the secondary insurance and
so on. The D records are set to accommodate this. I hope this is the info you
were looking for.

Cindy Miller
Mutual Of Omaha

----- Forwarded by Jonathan Showalter/MutualOMA on 01/20/2000 03:24 PM -----
|        |          John Murray          |
|        |          <John.Murray@VITECSER|
|        |          VICES.COM>           |
|        |                               |
|        |          01/20/2000 02:10 PM  |
|        |          Please respond to    |
|        |          John Murray          |
|        |                               |
  |                                                                            |
  |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      |
  |       cc:     (bcc: Jonathan Showalter/MutualOMA)                          |
  |       Subject:     NSF and Other Insured                                   |

When moving data from a HCFA 1500 to NSF where is the best place to stash
the Insurance Plan name from box 9d?

John Murray
EDI Analyst
ViTec Inc.
(612) 494-5223 Voice
(612) 494-5253 Fax
 <<John Murray.vcf>>

John Murray.vcf

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