     TSI's Mercator does come in a flavor (Mercator EC) that will run in AIX and
manage all the Trading Partner setup and etc.  It is called EC Manager.  It uses
Oracle DB on AIX.  We won't have EC Manager installed till 2nd Quarter so I
don't have any hands on.. day to day operational info for you.

Hope that helps some.

|        |          Ron_Cleghorn@P|
|        |          epBoys.Com    |
|        |                        |
|        |          01/24/2000    |
|        |          09:26 AM      |
|        |                        |
  |                                                                            |
  |       To:     Jonathan Showalter/MutualOMA                                 |
  |       cc:                                                                  |
  |       Subject:     Re: AIX Translator using UDB                            |

I mean the trading parnter setup and management, history and archive information
the translator uses.

I hope this helps


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/24/2000 10:02:45 AM

To:   Ron Cleghorn/SSC/US/PepBoys@PEPBOYS

Subject:  Re: AIX Translator using UDB

     Do you mean it stores all the temp work files in DB2 or that the translator
can access DB2 as a data source/destination??


Ron Cleghorn  Asked......


Does anyone know of a EDI translator product that resides on AIX platform and
uses UDB (DB2) to manage the information?

Thanks ahead of time

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