-----Original Message-----
From: edi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 6:43 AM
Subject: Application Integrator

I have been looking at the Application Integrator (Omnitrans) translation
tool, and I am concerned about the stability of the GUI during map
development. I was wondering if others have problems with the "workbench"
GUI, and if so, what steps might be taken to increase stability.




Been there. I use 2.04. I'm not sure if 3.0 addresses this issue.

The Workbench written in Galaxy which apparently doesn't handle typical
Windows events well all the time. GEIS trainers recommend a number of things
in their classes to increase the [apparent] stability of Workbench. The
following are from my notes on an AI Intro course I attended in Dec 1998.

1) Use the menus to close model and Workbench. Avoid Close on the system
menu and the close button in the top right of the window.
2) Don't use the Syntax Check button in Rule Builder (particularly for large
models) as it can return bogus errors. We saw this in class.
3) In 2.04, if you use functions that returns a value you need to capture
the value even if you don't need it to avoid a memory leak. This problem
also has implications on production translation servers. This problem was
discovered in 2.04 in late 1998 and they highlighted it in the class.
Example: instead of
use something like
   VAR->junk = SET_EVAR("TRACE_LEVEL",1023)
Note that the standard models as shipped with AI 2.04 use the 'leaky'
4) If you open Rule Builder in a Workbench session, do not change the model
structure. If structure changes are required, close Workbench and reopen.
5) If all else fails, save frequently to avoid disappointment. This would be
a good rule of thumb for most Windows apps.

I use AI 2.04 on WinNT 4. I haven't had too much trouble.

Hope this helps.

David Robertson
Information Services
Calgary, Canada

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