Fred asked the question about FTP vs VANs.  This seems to be a touchy topic each
time it arises.  From my perspective - they are both have their pros and cons.

A VAN offers you a one to many send (one dial out for many trading partners).
It gives you trackability.  Requeue a document can happen from either end.  Most
VANs offer website information to see if they picked it up.  Other services are
offered from VANs (inner-connects, remapping to another standard...).

But VANs are costly.  All these goodies have price tags attached.  If you dial
out to them every 15-30 minutes, you also get hit with an 800 number fee or a
long distance charge.

FTP is quick.  But it's a one to one ratio.  You are also then opening up your
Firewall to as many leaks as you have suppliers.  Your security people will have
a field day when you request to FTP to X-amount of people.  This however a
wonderful way to do inner-company EDI or overseas transmissions.

Try using both!


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