
Could you elaborate on the issues concerning the "future" of Sterling??
Will this have any impact on the operation of the Sterling Commerce
VAN?  Or will it also have any impact on Sterling's ability to support
its GENTRAN customers?  I'm concerned about this, since one of my
clients is just starting to get ramped on GENTRAN for UNIX and anything
that may develop that poses a problem to a tight project schedule should
be taken into consideration.

I'd appreciate any words of wisdom you might care to offer........

Bob Carper

Art Douglas wrote:
> Shannon,
> I notice that your email address indicates an association with IPNET, an
> ecommerce consulting company.  Could it be that you are fishing for Sterling
> customers?  I wouldn't want to impute your integrity, but the question did come
> to mind.
> As for my take on the future, there will be lots of opportunity for those who
> can provide solutions to real problems in a professional and cost effective
> manner.  This will be true regardless of how the relationship between SBC and
> Sterling is consummated.
> Art Douglas
> Have Laptop, Will Travel
> Shannon Haley wrote:
> > I would like to get any impute from Sterling Customers.  What is your intake
> > on the future.. My Company ask me to prepare a reference list of companies
> > that use Sterling, can you all assist me with a number to present to the
> > board???  how many sterling customers are out there and what are your
> > current solutions providing ?   is it working ?? We have been watching the
> > B2B space and were pretty close to a definite is
> > needed.  I would also like to contact live if possible, I am a amateur at
> > this. just got drawn from a hat. Please Help...........
> >
> > Shannon
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