See "Goodbye EDI, Hello XML?," by Eric J. Adams, in the Feb. 2000 World
Trade Magazine Online, at
Adams says "XML may be the electronic document exchange standard that
EDI never was,"  explaining that "XML....[is] also being touted as the
Esperanto of digital transactions on and off the web."

Why is comparing XML to Esperanto considered to be a convincing
argument?  So, how many people in the world speak Esperanto?  So I learn
Esperanto and I can talk to maybe a few dozen other people, usually at
their conventions held concurrently with the much better attended Star
Trek convocations.  If I'm going to go to the trouble to learn a
language, I'd like to learn a real one spoken by a hundred million
people, like German, or Lord forbid, French - the language of love and

Anyway, Adams goes on:

   Materials, transportation, and warehousing vendors, for example,
   need real-time, or close-to-real-time, views of inventories to
   get the right materials to the right place at the right time.
   In these cases, traditional EDI-style approaches don’t provide
   enough flexibility or scalability to get the job done. But
   XML/EDI can get the job done, because the exchanged XML/EDI
   documents are created on-the-fly, while still adhering to
   predefined business rules and definitions before being sent on
   their way. The Internet may be the highway, but XML/EDI is akin
   to the traffic laws and the messenger services that keep things
   running smoothly.

This one may be too stupid to parse.  And aren't EDI messages "created
on-the-fly, while still adhering to predefined business rules and
definitions before being sent on their way"?

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
(614) 791-1600

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"Commerce for a New World"

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