> Greetings Everyone:
> Currently we are a Harbinger EDI/Open 3.3 user that is running on an NT
> 4.0 clent server environment.  As many of you are aware, Harbinger is
> about to stop support on the EDI/Open product because of it's carry-on
> product called Trusted Link Enterprise that runs on the NT system as well.
> All of this is the result of the merger when Harbinger Corporation
> purchased Premenos Corporation.
> While we will consider the carry-on product from Harbinger we also want to
> make sure that we are aware of other existing systems that run on an NT
> Client Server environment.
> The one feature that I am interested in is the need to be able to take the
> EDI data that is received and place it into a Microsoft SQL Server
> environment without a lot of processing.  Currently, we are getting EDI
> informaiton and we can only map the data to a flat file on the NT file
> system.  This flat file has to be processed by a SQL Server system so that
> the data in the files can be pushed into the SQL tables that we have for
> our application system.  If at all possible, I would like to have a system
> that not only sits on top of SQL Server but can write directly into a SQL
> Server database.
> If you have such a product, or you know of such a product, then please let
> me know via a direct e-mail to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or you can post to
> the list if you desire.
> Thanks to all of you if you can help me in my search.
> If you have any questions concerning this matter then please feel free to
> give me a call.
> John P. Knight
> John P. Knight, B.B.A.
> EDI Coordinator
> Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, Inc.
> Information Systems Department
> 604 Three Springs Road
> P. O. Box 90031
> Bowling Green, KY  42102-9031
> U.S.A.
> 270.782.7397 x2292 (Work)
> 270.782.7601 (Fax)
> E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Personnal)
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Personnal)
>  <<John P. Knight.vcf>>

John P. Knight.vcf

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