Well, as is so often the case, it all depends.
Gentran is a relatively simple product to set up compared to Mercator.  OTOH, it doesn't do all the things Mercator can do.
Gentran is a traditional X12/EDIFACT based mapping tool.  Mercator uses a unique approach requiring learning/relearning on a steep curve.  OTOH, Mercator has one to many and many to many mapping features that put it in a unique position.
Gentran is much cheaper than Mercator.  OTOH, Mercator has native data base adaptors that provide a significant performance advantage over ODBC as part of the base package.
I suggest doing a thorough investigation of each to determine which best fits your needs.

Peter Olivola ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julie Ballantine 
Can anyone tell me the pros and cons between Mercator TSI and Gentran:Server, NT editions?  I know this question was already asked by someone else.  However, I am very interested in the responses, as they weren't posted to the list.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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