Check your contract. Do you have to pay for mandatory upgrades?

Carl Galgano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/11/2000 10:04:25 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Maria Safavi/US/NA/TCCC)
Subject:  Harbinger's push for V5 on the AS400

Our company is a Harbinger business partner, but I am a little put off with
their push towards their new version 5 software and dropping support for
other versions for the AS400 platform.  As far as I can tell, they will be
charging a new license fee for the new version, even for customers who have
paid maintenance for years.  I have one client that paid over 70K for an
unlimited, upgradeable version of the software and they are going to bite my
head off when I explain the "good news" about Version 5.
This seems to me to be a page taken from Sterling Software's marketing
manual.... stop supporting a product and move the customer to a new version
(with many features that most do not need at this time), with a new license
fee.  I'm not saying V5 is bad, or not needed, but it forces the customer to
make a choice that they may not be ready to make.
Sure my livelihood is tied to Harbinger's product (we think it is the best
on the platform), and we will do many upgrade projects, but facing my
clients and explaining the whole thing will be a tough sell, especially
since I am the one who recommended Harbinger's (Premenos) products in the
first place.  I am also a Harbinger stock holder and like what the stock has
done lately, but I feel it is very important to look out for the best
interest of my clients.
Just needed to vent..... what do the rest of you think, especially those who
do implementations on the AS400.

Carl J. Galgano
EDI Consulting Services, Inc.
540 Powder Springs Street, Suite C19
Marietta, GA  30064
(770) 422-2995 - voice
(419) 730-8212 - fax
AS400 EDI, Networking, E-Commerce and Communications Consulting and

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