I working on a transaction set in X12.  I'm trying to use EDISim (ForeSight
Corp) to implement our business rules.

My problem is that I've got a element in my transaction set that look's at
the condition (values) of four different elements that are prior to this
element.   These four values determine what codes this current element
should use.  However, EDISim only supports "If Element A1 = y and/or Element
B2 = z then....."

Have other users of EDISim ran into this limitations?  And want method did
you use to work around this?

Currently, I'm copying/pasting the loops as a work around.  So now I've got
extra loops along with business rules trying to solve my four conditions.
But I'm still not convinced that this is the best method to handle it.

Any body know a better solution?


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