Northwest EC/EDI Roundtable ( and Internet Business Alliance ( present:
“B2B via the WWW”
Thursday, April 27, 2000
5:00 to 7:30 PM
@The College Club Lounge
505 Madison Ave
Seattle, WA
RSVP: Please RSVP by close of business on Monday, April 24 via e-mail to: Sherri Gerhardt at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or reply to this e-mail. If replying after April 24th, please respond to Ron Wright at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
5:00 - 5:30: Networking
Great refreshments and appetizers provided by our sponsors. No host bar available.
5:30 to 5:40: Administrative Business – Tim McMonigle, President NW EC/EDI Roundtable
5:40 to 6:20
Speaker 1 Graeber Jordan, Chief Executive Officer, LLC: "Spirit of the Web"
(This is a preview of Mr. Graeber's Keynote Presentation at the 9th International World Wide Web Conference in Amsterdam in May.)

Beginning in the year 2000, most corporations and government agencies will increasingly adopt the technology of the World Wide Web. Pent-up demand for new systems will be expressed in new web sites. Most of these organizations will naturally
use the same management methods that were used on past computing projects. These projects will be, more or less, successful. Pretty much business as usual.

But what if these large organizations could adopt the spirit of the World Wide Web in addition to its technology? What if all members of the organization could be enabled so that they could improve their own work every day in every way?
In his talk, "The Spirit of the WWW in the Corporate Intranet," Mr. Jordan will draw on his experience with The Boeing Company as Web Program Manager, and as consultant to other large organizations, to demonstrate how the web spirit can impact the bottom line by making internal processes better, faster, and cheaper. He will describe a structure and methodology that allows maximum individual freedom but still focuses the creativity toward the objectives of the business-the balance between chaos and control.

6:20 to 7:15
Speaker 2 Joe Brady of Webridge eBusiness Express: "Business to Business Portals"
The Internet has created a new economic era, a time when technology and business strategy have become inextricably intertwined. Strategic advantage is gained through strategies that build on the potential of technology to offer new levels of service and convenience and to streamline business processes up and down the value chain. At the same time, eBusiness puts new and different financial and technical strains on the whole enterprise.

Growing from $145 billion last year, business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce by 2004 will represent about 7 percent of the total global sales transactions, estimated at $105 trillion, GartnerGroup said.

Mr. Brady's presentation covers how External B2B portals can: Shorten Time To Volume Sales with Real-Time Communication, Increase Return on Investments by Interactively Evaluating and Tuning Marketing and Sales Strategies, Understand Who and What is Working Among Your Business Partners, and Reduce Support Costs with Customized Self-Service and Support.  Internal portals can: Leverage Your Collective Knowledge to Improve Business Performance, Eliminate Barriers to Locating Information Instantly and Securely, and Provide Real-Time Collaboration and Continuous Knowledge Creation.
7:15 to 7:30 Wrap-up and continued networking
College Club Logistics:
The College Club Lounge
505 Madison Ave
Seattle, WA
Phone: (206) 622-0624
PARKING: Free Parking is available at the College Club itself. The parking garage entrance is located 30 feet ahead on the left after crossing Madison on 5th Avenue. Once inside the parking garage just take the elevator up to the College Club and come into the main lounge.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: If Northbound on I-5, take the Madison St. exit and turn left on Madison St. to 5th Ave, then turn left on 5th Ave, 30 feet ahead on the left is the entrance to the College Club Garage. If Southbound on I-5, use the Union St. exit and turn left on to 5th Ave, then proceed past Madison; 30 feet after crossing Madison, on the left, is the entrance to the College Club Garage.

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