A couple of months ago I posted a question concerning where to find an EDI
mailing list for a survey I was developing for my Masters thesis. A few of
you suggested that I post it to the EDI-L list server. For those replies I
thank you. I understand that posting it to the list server may not be
appropriate so I've gathered a number of email addresses from following the
list and other sources. Over the next couple of days I will be sending the
survey to most of you. I humbly ask that you take time out from your
important work and answer the survey questions. Without your help I will not
be able to finish my Masters in Information Systems from Hawaii-Pacific
University. To meet my goal of finishing in August I ask that the surveys be
returned to my June 5th. As with all scholarly research the names and email
addresses will not appear in my research nor will the results of any one
single individual be given to anyone else.

Tom Steele

To signoff the EDI-L list,  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To subscribe,               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list owner:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives at http://www.mail-archive.com/edi-l%40listserv.ucop.edu/

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