Quoted text is from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, by John Gavin

>Does anyone know about EDI payment transactions in the U.K. (or even Europe)?
>e.g. which banks can do this and what are the issues?
>is  EDIFACT / TRADACOMS (or even XML) used?

I suggest that you try


To my knowledge Barclays, Lloyds, NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland
support FEDI. I think that its use is still fairly uncommon. I have only
ever implemented one such system in the UK, using EDIFACT PAYEXT and
PAYACK messages. The bank involved provided us with encryption /
decryption modules to avoid sending payment information in plain text
over the VAN. These were simple to integrate and appear to have worked
reliably. In this particular implementation the incoming PAYACK messages
were reconciled with the outgoing PAYEXTs internally within the EDI
system, by discrete abuse of the system components intended for handling
CONTRL messages, and the inevitable summary reports printed out.

TRADACOMS also contains definitions for payment cycle transactions. If
you follow up the ecentre site you will find references to financial


Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
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