Dear Fellow EDI Professionals:

I have been asked to assist with the preparation of a cost justification
document detailing the cost savings to be realized from the adoption of X12
EDI.  And to think some people say EDI is dead!  :-).  From reading the
List for over a year, and through various conversations I've heard a wide
range of statistics for costs of processing paper documents versus the cost
of processing EDI messages.  However, what I'm after are some actual case
studies, including the statistics on cost savings, and which factor in and
detail the associated costs of hardware, EDI translation software,
consulting, VAN charges, etc, etc..  I am looking for a bit more detail than
the "Executive Summary".

The main determinant of cost saving is the volumes involved, especially the
volumes of the same transactions with the same trading partners.  The
scenarios of particular interest are ones of high volumes.

Presumably some of you will have had to write justifications to your own
employers along these lines.  If any of you are able to share these, then
that would be much appreciated.  And/or if any of you know of any studies
available on the Web, that would be a tremendous help also.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you.


Matt Jillings
PaperFree, a NEON Company
Tel:  703-847-0944

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