
Thank you for airing your concerns.  I agree with you
that public scrutiny is the best tool for managing

Here's the policy at Worlcom's EDI*Net, which one of my
customers has been using for a number of years and which
I have found as a software vendor to be most helpful and
supportive, as well as reliable and reasonably priced.

----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
From:    Ken Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More VAN Conspiracies (fwd)
Date:    Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:58 -0700 (PDT)


WorldCom's (new corporate name) EDI*Net offers
a pro-active service outage notification service.

Customers who wish it are placed on a notification
list with key contact information and a preferable
method of contact (fax, e-mail, page).

Scheduled notifications are handled with 7 days
prior notice, usually via e-mail.  These occur on
weekends only.

If there is an unscheduled outage (network or servers
are down) notifications will also go out.  Updates are
provided periodically until clear.  There are no fixed
time frames for these notifications since the nature
of the outage would dictate the reaction time.

I can provide actual stats on network and system uptime after an NDA
is signed.  We've been over 99% for over 4 years.

Hope this helps.

By the way, I'm still interested in attending a meeting
of that Southern California EDI group, please let me know
when the next one is.

Ken Mann
OffSite Services
An Authorized WorldCom Messaging Agency
1874 Caminito de la Playa
Glendale, CA 91208-3053
Tel:  818-247-7172
Fax:  818-548-1371

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: More VAN Conspiracies (fwd)


Here's an e-mail to the members of EDI-L, a listserv of
people involved in EDI, and a response from one of the

Since I don't know MCI's official policy, if you'd like
to inform me, I'll be glad to spread the word.

We're getting closer to the dial-up connection with
EDI*Net from our NT server.  I'll let you know when it's

Best regards,

Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
From:    "J. Glenn Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More VAN Conspiracies
Date:    Fri, 23 Jun 2000 11:10:13 -0500

Mr Benedict,

You are mistaken.  It is evident in your post that Harbinger does have a
"service failure" notification policy .  It is the one in place for most VANs.
If your communication link doesn't work you call tech support.  You are then
notified there is a "service failure".

Any questions :-)


> Harbinger...hummm
> When I am late paying my VAN invoices, Harbinger's staff is amazingly
> efficient at notifying me and following up.  When their VAN "pipe" was down
> unexpectedly on Monday they failed to notified us.  When my team
> investigated and realized that the VAN service was down, I was astounded to
> learn that Harbinger does not have a "service failure" notification process.
> Harbinger's statement was, "We have 45,000 clients, you can't expect us to
> notify everyone when our service is down".  Hummmm...I guess a solution
> would be to reduce the number of VAN clients to a manageable level....
> I would invite other VAN representatives to share via email (no calls
> please) how they would notify their clients in the event of a "service
> failure".
> I would hope that a public discussion of these issues would encourage
> traditional EDI and VAN companies to "get with the program" and recognize
> that there are alternatives these days.  Therefore, they must compete for
> our business by demonstrating true "value-added".
> 0============================0
> |  Kevin Benedict
> |  B2B E-Commerce Manager
> |
> |  208-893-1738
> |  "The Process is the Product"
> 0============================0
> =======================================================================
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Glenn Thompson
American Trouser, Inc.

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