A new release of OBOE Open Business Objects for EDI has been posted on
the American Coders web site.  For more information visit

This release adds more functionality to document creation in preparation
for GUI based  development tool.

OBOE translates between several  Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at legacy
EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the  Internet quickly
and easily using standards based technology.

Release 1.3.0 June 23, 2000
          Segment sequence number not set correctly by
TransactionSetFactory class.
          SegmentContainer new method getSegmentVector(int), returns a
Vector of Segments at a particular position
          SegmentContainer new method setSegmentAt(Vector, int) sets the
segmenat array to a Vector at a particular position
          IDDE new method getCode(String) returns the code value for a
          When specified in the XML rules file, DataElement and
CompositeDE sequence now starts at 1, but when fetching use a zero
          Envelope class: changed getDataElement to use zero offset.
          TimeDE class: set method not correct
          Util class: date month and day off by one
          TransactionSet class
               added name attribute (String)
               added getter and setter for name attribute getName,
               changed constructor to take name as second parameter.
               renamed 2 methods getId to getID and setId to setID.
          TemplateSegment class
               added name attribute (String)
               added getter and setter for name attribute getName,
               changed constructor to take name as second parameter.
          TemplateComposite class
               added name attribute (String)
               added getter and setter for name attribute getName,
               changed constructor to take name as second parameter.
               removed occurs attribute
               removed getter and setter for occur attribute
               removed occur parameter from constructors.
          TemplateDE class
               added name attribute (String)
               added getter and setter for name attribute getName,
               changed constructors to take name as second parameter.
               added required attribute (char)
               added getter and setter for required attribute getName,
               changed constructors to take required as parameter after
type parameter.

Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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