Donald W. LeGoullon, of Fisher Scientific, wanted to know the correct
values of element # 100 for the Belgian Franc and Pound Sterling.  Don
continues "Consulting the standard manuals points us to ANSI.  And ANSI
only provides this information by purchasing a publication of these
values. Would someone be so kind as to provide me the correct code
values we need to represent the 2 currency values listed above?"

Dear Don:

I haven't yet seen any answer to your question on EDI-L.  Did somebody
send you the answer privately?  If so, it would help the rest of us if
such answers were posted publicly since other people undoubtedly have
similar questions.  The short answer is the Belgian Franc is represented
by code BEF, and the UK Pound Sterling by GBP.

ANSI ASC X12 D.E. 100, Currency Code, is described as the "Code
(Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified."
This is a slight misnomer, in that the code doesn't refer to the
country, but rather a particular currency  (e.g., some countries use the
currency of another - as in the case of Panama which uses the U.S.
Dollar).  D.E. 100 refers to Code Source 5 in the back of the X12
manual  -  Countries, Currencies and Funds.  This section points you to
ANSI for obtaining ISO 4217: Codes for Representation of Currencies and
Funds.  ANSI would simply sell you the same document obtainable from the

Of course, you'd be able to find this and other important code lists at
FORESIGHT's Resource page by going to our web site at, selecting "Resource Links," and then
"Code Lists."   This gives you a summary of External Code Lists used in
EDI, one of which is ISO 4217, supplied by the UN/ECE EDIFACT
recommendation at

Unfortunately, the ISO 4217 list in the UN/ECE recommendation was last
revised in 1995.  For the up-to-date list, including new additions such
as the euro, we can go to the ISO catalog at and see that the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency is the British Standards Institution.   Follow the
link to the BSI to get the newest ISO three-alpha currency codes.

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
(614) 791-1600

Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at
"Commerce for a New World"

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