The following are notes I made up while working with the XML feature of
Harbinger e-Version 5.

I installed the Production Release of e-Version 5 on the Beta machine I used
for the Beta Test Program for e-Version 5 (WindowsNT, Oracle 8).

I then got help from Harbinger to try to get an XML translation of an EDI
document.  After repeated failures trying to create XML for an outbound 830
(Version 3030) EDI transaction, I shifted my efforts to something more
simple.  An outbound 810 Invoice (Version 3030).

First of all, let me warn all that you will run into many problems depending
on what delimiters you use in your interchange setup for:

*       Segment delimiter

*       Element Delimiter

*       Sub-Element Delimiter

*       Release Character

*       Decimal Indicator

Many of these characters are special characters to Windows and are treated
using there windows meaning.  For example using the "|" symbol created a
command unknown error during my translation because it was treated as a
piping symbol instead of passing it on to the Java script that does the XML
translation.  Other characters caused problems when trying to view the XML
in Internet Explorer because I.E. did not like the character to be displayed
on the screen and flagged it as being invalid.

Another word of warning,  In order to use XML, I had to change the QKEY for
the Harbinger Van from EDIM to #EDI.  I'm told that the pound sign (#) in
the Qkey is a way of telling Harbinger Van to expect XML.

Also,  If the XML translation succeeds, no file will be left on the system.
The XML is Data Banked into the Database Tables used by Harbinger.  In order
to View the XML, you have to:

1.      Go into the Operation Center History and search for the Document
that contained the XML.

2.      Highlight the document and do a right mouse click and select
Transaction History.

3.      You will see the component XML files as being Doc Type XML and

4.      When you select an individual XML line, you can right mouse click
and select "View XML" to load the XML into Internet Explorer.

I now need to say something regarding the Style Sheet's Harbinger uses.
There is a field in the Event listing the XSL Location.  This defaults to a
<>   According to the
Documentation, on an 810 Invoice this should be
<>  for Six Digit Dates or
<>  for 8 digit dates.  The
documentation stated that these will be filled in when the box Produce XML
is checked.

I only got the Generic Style sheet by default.  I had to key in the 810-6 in
order to test that style sheet.

Anyway, using the 810-6 style sheet I only got:

*       2 elements from the BIG Segment

*       2 Elements from the CUR Segment

*       4 Elements from the ITD Segment.

No other data came through while viewing the XML.

Using the the Generic Style Sheet, I got more data.  I did note right away
that the TDS amount did not have the decimal point added although the data
type was listed as N2.  Also, the display was just as cryptic as viewing
EDI.  It only gave a

description : value

type display for each element making up the EDI.

It was my hope to use this XML an an alternative for Suppliers which were
not EDI capable.
Using the style sheets Harbinger has will not allow this to take place.  The
user friendly "Report" type view I had hoped to get simply wasn't there.

I still haven't had any support with regard to setting up a test OnRamp
connection to Harbinger Van.  As time allows, I will get into that when I
have time.

Roy A. Nelson
MIS Director
HyPro Inc.

(262) 534-5141
(262) 534-4151 Fax

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