A new release of OBOE Open Business Objects for EDI has been posted on
the American Coders web site.  For more information visit

This release adds more functionality:
  1. IDList class to assist the IDDE class.
  2. Stores transactionSet objects in persistent Java object files.

OBOE translates between several  Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at legacy
EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the  Internet quickly
and easily using standards based technology.

Release 1.4.0 July 18, 2000
         - Replaced code and description Vectors in IDDE and TemplateDE
with a new class named IDList.
           This effected constructors and getter/setter methods.
         - Changed some String default values in TransactionSetFactor
from null to "".
         - Externalized TransactionSet class and template classes to
create persistent objects of XML rules file
           While the XML rules file does provide persistence, the
parsing of the file takes too long.
           After a base transaction set is created from its rules file,
the transaction set is captured as
           an externalized Object stream. This allows the process to
reuse the object over and over
           without having to parse the xml rules file each time.
               The rules file will be parsed when
               - The base class structure has changed
               - The rules file is newer than the object stream file
               - The object stream file does not exists
            The object stream file is used otherwise. Object stream
files will be stored in the
            same directory as the xml rules file. So if the
oboe.properties file points the xml files in
            directory c:/LookHereForXMLFiles and the file to be parsed
is 840.xml then the package will
            create a file with the following pathname
c:/LookHereForXMLFiles/840.object. This object
            file will be used in subsequent calls to build an 840 object
instead of using the rules file.
         - added required attribute to the DataElement class. The
required attribute is a char.
             Use the getRequired/setRequired methods.  All related
constructor classes modified.
             Added the required parameter before the minLength

Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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