I live in a Supply Chain world that revolves around EDI 830 & 862's.  Most of our customer have been sending us these transactions for more than 10 years.
We do have other customers that are not EDI capable with there business systems.  These requirements are sent to us on paper and "Keyed" into our business system in a manual mode as apposed to the electronic real time processing we do with EDI.
This is the problem.
I have a customer that wants to send us shipping authorizations independent of there long term production needs. 
Normally this would be send as an 862 and processed electronically in our business system.  However, they do not have any EDI capabilities right now.  They plan on replacing there business system, but that won't help in the short term.
These requirements would only have a 48 hour window.  I told them I could not commit to this time frame without them being able to send them EDI.
Is there a simple package out there that would allow them to "Key In" EDI Transactions and send them out (to me)?  I know of the STX windows package but to create the forms would be a real problem for this company.
Any Ideas?

Roy A. Nelson
MIS Director
HyPro Inc.

(262) 534-5141
(262) 534-4151 Fax


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