The New England Electronic Commerce Users' Group (formerly the New England
EDI Users' Group) will be hosting a major conference, including  exhibit
tables, on September 21, 2000 in Sturbridge, MA.  Please forward our agenda,
as shown below, to as many companies as you can.

Registration and additional information is available online at:

Sept. 21, 2000

Keynote Address
Everyday Adventures in e-Ville

As the world moves pell-mell towards all things 'e', certain realities are
rearing their pesky little heads.  The .com's, with their inexplicably
astronomical market valuations and their interactive Web sites, are running
head-on into a host of not-so-charming surprises.  Where the cyber world
meets the physical world, the results have not always been pretty.  The mass
euphoria over exponential Web expansion is getting a cold bucket of
distribution channel reality thrown in its face.  The almost lemming-like
migration toward buying and selling over the Web is rapidly proving that we
need to be cognizant of what happens 'after the click'.  'The Mouse That
Roared' has never been a more apt metaphor for the chain reaction of chaos
that can follow an action as seemingly innocuous as pointing and clicking.
Whether you're on the Web 'front lines' interacting with consumers or
somewhere back in the supply chain, finding out how to ride the 'e' tidal
wave rather than being buried by it has never been more important.

John Stelzer
Sterling Commerce


Track A
EC Fundamentals

Workshop 1
EC Bootcamp

This session will present the fundamental concepts that are necessary to all
users of e-Commerce. Topics to be covered include the essentials of the
technology, the basics of how EC works, why it is important, the
significance of mapping and standards, the basic concepts of vendor managed
inventory and supply chain, the role of software, translators, Value Added
Networks, and the Internet, who is using it and how you can get the most
from EC.

Sandra Bohl

Workshop 2
Developing an EC Strategic Plan

This presentation reviews the key elements of a strategic plan for EC
including building brand equity through EC, supporting the organization's
strategic business plan, change management, competitive analysis and
benchmarking, project prioritization, and cost benefit analysis.  It is
targeted to mid-level management to help build awareness of the capabilities
of EC and how an organization can leverage those capabilities to maximize
return on investment.

William Claire
Innovate! EC

Workshop 3
Is There Value in Being a '' Network?

EDI and traditional Value Added Networks (VANs) are being challenged in this
new .com age.  But has EDI run it's course, is it dead & being replaced
overnight by XML?  What value does a Value Added Network still have to
offer? Two years ago VANs were said to be out, gone, no one would ever use
them again but again the facts speak for themselves.  The reality is EDI and
VANs are still here.  This topic will cover the basic differences between
EDI and XML and will detail what value there is in Value Added Networks in
the current .com age.

Ray Penn
TranSettlements Network Services

Workshop 4
Three Secrets to Make Your EC Program a Success

Research shows that most E-Commerce projects fail or fall short of
expectations because of psychology, not technology.  Learn how to utilize
ONE key technique to catapult your E-Commerce program to success.  In
addition, this dynamic presentation will teach you how to use 'people power'
to get total 'buy-in' from your project team and win accolades from senior

Carole Baggerly

Workshop 5
How Ecommerce Transportation Exchanges Will Affect Your Company

This presentation will shed some light into the emerging trends of
transportation exchanges and the current and projected impact to your IT
operations. There are currently 100+ transportation exchanges 'in the
works'.  Are these exchanges really going to impact how your company handles
transportation and logistics in the future, or is the impact of this 'trend'
overestimated? How will the use of exchanges impact the IT efforts of your
company for the future?  How can you become ready to take advantage of these
exchanges?  These topics, and more, to be discussed.

Steve Strong


Track B - XML

Workshop 1
XML and EDI: Can we All Just Get Along!

Originally introduced in 1996, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is rapidly
being discussed as the new standard to transmit data between two business
entities.  This presentation will give an overview of XML,  Identify
similarities and differences between XML and EDI, and  discuss if there is
room for both technologies in the world of e-commerce.

Deb Morin

Workshop 2
XML & EDI - B2B EC Interoperability

Will XML replace EDI?  What version of XML should you use for e-Commerce?
This discussion will focus on methods for operating Business-to-Business
e-Commerce in and environment with multiple XML standards as well as
existing EDI standards.  It will help to dispel the assertion that XML will
replace EDI by showing that XML is a complimentary solution to EDI rather
than a replacement.

William French
Sun Microsystems

Workshop 3
XML Case Study

By example of a case study this presentation shows that electronic commerce
does not benefit larger trading partners only.  The case study demonstrates
that both the larger retail customer and the smaller vendors were able to
take advantage of three to five extra days of order taking during the
holiday shopping season.

Colette Williams

Workshop 4
XML-Based Real-Time e-Business for Competitive Advantage

This presentation provides an introduction to the components required to
deploy real-time e-Business solutions, and provides a preview into the
next-generation of e-Business architectures and capabilities. Some of the
areas to be discussed include components and capabilities required to power
e-Business Hubs.

Nitin Kapila
Peregrine Systems

Workshop 5
XML - The Answer for eCommerce?

This session will explore XML for eBusiness and detail how to use XML/EDI
for linking the past to the future.  Areas to be reviewed include what
repositories are available today as well as current industry XML
implementations. This presentation will illustrate how we can begin
integrating to our existing systems while looking at XML as the core of our
technology. Why ' Old EDI' dressed up in XML fails to deliver the full range
of business processes required today will be discussed.

Robert Pascoe
The Janis Group


Track C - Emerging Technologies

Workshop 1
eBusiness: The 'e' is Silent

The enterprises that will successfully transform themselves to prosper in
the net-connected economy will be those that focus less on the 'e' and more
on the 'business' of eBusiness. In this talk, we will examine how the
internet is driving the creation of new business models and unprecedented
customer intimacy. Key issues to be addressed include:  What are the new
business dynamics of the net-connected economy?  How can enterprises prepare
themselves for this opportunity? What are the imperatives of a successful

Carol Rozwell
Nykamp Consulting Group

Workshop 2
Measuring E-Businesses - Beyond the Web Site

Most of the effort and money spent on E-Business is not buying companies a
'fundamental' change in corporate operations on a day-to-day basis. Research
into E-Business operations clearly indicates that spending on MRO
procurement, online advertising and other functions must shift to key
processes such as supply chain planning, direct procurement, and a re-design
of 'enterprise' applications to embrace a 'collaborative' E-Business model.
This session will define the models, the applications, the requirements and
a framework for measuring a company's progress in bridging the E-Business

David Taylor
eMarket Holdings, LLC

Workshop 3
2nd Generation EDI - What Is It?  Do You Want it?

Wondering about the direction of EDI?  This session will take a look at the
movement towards 'second generation' EDI and the move to EDI over the
internet and the use of XML and other languages.   Although a understanding
of XML and other tools is helpful, this session will be presented from a
business perspective, covering topics such as costs and corporate direction.

Thomas Trunda

Workshop 4
Web Authentication & Security - Technical & Business Issues

As businesses launch or evaluate eCommerce and eBusiness initiatives,
security must be considered to protect the operation from fraud,
unauthorized users and data piracy.  There are a number of options for
improving security and this talk explores the high-level business and
technical issues and caveats of Internet security.

Robert Shields
Rainbow Technologies

Workshop 5
B2B Ecommerce - Expanding Traditional EDI

This session will detail how Business to Business (B2B) ECommerce will link
additional channels to your EDI infrastructure, expanding your market reach
through globalization.  XML and the internet will make processing data more
streamlined. By developing notification functionality, information becomes
centralized for simplified management of daily work activities.  Adding B2B
ECommerce to your existing business will not only enhance your current
process, but also open your company to a new global market.

Pervinder Johar
Politzer & HANEY


Track D - Real-World Applications

Workshop 1
Adding Process to Commerce for Competitive Advantage

This presentation discusses key benefits of, and technology requirements
for, a Process Hub such as enterprise integration, collaborative processing,
any-to-any document translation, security, and scalability.  Process Hubs
reduce operational inefficiencies by providing process integration to all
functional areas of an enterprise and by allowing trading partners to
integrate internal workflow tasks with external business-to-business process

Teresa Wingfield
Netfish Technologies

Workshop 2
Alternative Methods of Implementing EC/EDI

This session discusses the various ways to successfully implement a new, or
improve an existing EC/EDI program within your organization.  The focus is
on alternatives methods to handle new EC/EDI requirements and the expansion
of established programs by taking advantage of the Internet and outsourcing
solutions.  It covers Internet usage, Outsourcing, and traditional in-house
translation.  The idea is to focus on flexibility of the system.

Robert Lyttle

Workshop 3
Delivering Mission Critical Computing

By way of a case study, this session will examine Pioneer Standards' award
winning recipe for success in developing a World-Class Mission Critical
computing Infrastructure.  Areas to be highlighted include: alliances
bringing value to customers, developing an IT and EC infrastructure, systems
integration, creating highly available/clustered IT environments, server
consolidation and storage issues.

Ron Bereszniewicz
Pioneer Standard Electronics

Workshop 4
The Missing Links in Successful Supply Chain Management

This presentation addresses some of the new technologies that can help
companies reduce cost and decrease time to market. Some of the issues to be
discussed include: increasing order accuracy, ensuring accurate, efficient
and cost effective delivery, understanding how to reduce total fulfillment
costs and shorten your supply chain, and the ability to view, transact,
trace and control goods as they move through the supply chain. Supply Chain
Management has become the tool that major companies are using to achieve
these demands.

Melinda Powers
Kewill Systems

Workshop 5
E-Commerce Technology Strategy

This session by way of a real-world case study will examine a E-commerce
technology strategy. A look at a 'bricks and mortar' turned 'clicks and
mortar', along with discussions on what has worked and what has not will be
presented.  Perspective will be from a platform, software, and hosting
viewpoint. Lessons learned from the early adaptors will be addressed.

Steve Harper
Exodus Communications

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