When you upgraded to 4.2 did you get the FA997I and FA997O maps? They map
the dates including the CC of CCYYMMDD.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 5:24 AM
Subject: TLE FA error

Hi all,
     I am on TLE 4.2/Unix and I am getting the following error on my FA
reconciler and am not sure
where I should be looking to solve it.  I have looked in the infa file but
don't see any wrong dates.  Of course this is causing my FA reconciler job
to fail and now my Delinquent FA Report is "out of control".
     TLE main:  edixu997, O/S: SunOS,  DB: odbc Rel: 4.2.1, Date: 991207
     A PROC.187 Date 19 is not in correct  CCYYMMDD format.
     Currently processing inbound FA file, record 2.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

Cindy Bean
E-Commerce Analyst
American Saw & Mfg. Company

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