Susan Thompson, of REMEDI Consulting Company here in the capital of
Electronic Commerce  - Columbus, Ohio, wrote:

   I'm looking for specs for a 179 (Discharge Monitoring Report)
   version 4031. I believe this is the first version of this
   document, however, I would welcome any others should they exist.
   It is my understanding that the 179 should have been released
   by DISA in March/April 2000.  If someone can pass this along
   or point me in the correct direction to obtain it, I would
   really appreciate it.

Dear Susan:

You wouldn't have to guess when X12 first published the 179 transaction
set if you had EDISIM at your fingertips;  we have all versions,
releases and subreleases of the ASC X12 standards built into our product
for easy reference.  New updates to the standards are always available
at our web site,, by selecting "Support,"
then "product updates."

Besides the X12 transaction set 179 - Environmental Compliance
Reporting, which I can easily see on EDISIM,  have no first-hand
knowledge of any implementation guidelines built on it.  But since it's
used to submit environmental compliance reports to the Environmental
Protection Agency and state and local environmental agencies, you'd
think maybe a good place to look for guidelines would be the EPA itself,
at  There's not anything apparent there,

But why not look at X12 for someone involved in the development of the
179? The X12 Standards Development Work page at lists the June
2000 Status Report, which in turn shows Transaction Set 179 as the
responsibility of the X12G (Government) subcommittee.  And it confirms
that it was indeed first published in 004031.

The 179 Transaction set was added with DM #267399.  It accommodates the
EPA's Discharge Monitoring Report, among others.  If you have access to
the DM in the ASC X12 10/99 DM Voting Package (available at DISA),
included is a "Notional Example for a Discharge Monitoring Report."
This may suit your purposes for understanding the details of what's
expected, in lieu of a real implementation guideline.

Rich Modrowski submitted the DM, and shepherded the 179 through X12.  By
going to the "Subcommittee Info" tab on the X12G Government page, you
can get Rich' e-mail address at LMI and write him and ask him if knows
of any actual guidelines.  I can't imagine that Rich would have gone to
the trouble to get the 179 through the byzantine X12 process unless
someone already had plans to use it, and hence were working on an
implementation guide.

Rich is a veritable god of EDI and has created many an X12 transaction
set.  Years ago, Rich was a mere mortal until he started using
FORESIGHT's EDISIM suite of EDI productivity tools - now he can build
EDI guidelines, compliance check EDI data,  generate test data, print
documentation and compare guidelines with just a few clicks on a
keyboard.  You too can join the pantheon of EDI heroes by using EDISIM;
see our Web site at and select "Products,"
then "EC Productivity Tools."

William J. Kammerer
4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
+1 614 791-1600

Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at
"Commerce for a New World"

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