I am sorry that I did not explain our Secure FTP process so I will explain
that as well.

We had a translator that could only send data using an Async modem at 9600
baud to the Advantis VAN.  As you can guess, it was killing us.

IBM recommended to us that we should talk with a company concerning a
product called EasyAccess.  The company is BTrade.com. They use FTP to send
encrypted data to Advantis.

We send a flat file that is enveloped with the ISA, GS segents to the
Server.  EasyAccess then takes this file and encrypts the data using a
private/public key that was supplied by Advantis to us.  We go through our
firewall and connect to the Advantis Secure FTP Site and push our file using

Once our file has been received via FTP by Advantis they un-encrypt the data
and treat it just like they would any other transaction and send it on it's

EasyAccess can also compress the file and then encrypt it but we do not use
that feature of the software.

Right now we only use this solution to send and receive data from Advantis
via FTP.  I don't know if they can do it with other VANS such as Sterling,
Harbinger, etc..

As a side note, we had 30 transactions several months ago that took almost
30 min over an async connection and we pulled them into our system using FTP
in about 1min 30 sec.  It has been great.

I hope this answers any questions about how we are doing Secure FTP to a VAN
over the Internet.

John Knight

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 10:42 AM
Subject: Secure FTP

        Would you please elaborate on your "secure FTP" you just mentioned
in your
post.  Is it FTP using SSL or standard FTP encrypted with PGP??   Is this
supplied by your VAN?

Jonathan Showalter
Omaha, NE

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