Title: Newbie questions
I would recommend taking the EDI101 and the Intro to ANSI classes that are put on by EDI Partners.  The courses are offered in several cities throughout the country.
Also, there are a handful of EDI consulting companies, such as Data Communication Solutions, that provide one on one training.  The web site is:   www.dcs-is.edi.com
Good luck.
Jasper Abeyta
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:05 AM
Subject: Newbie questions

I'm totally new to EDI.  I have downloaded the .eds viewer from Edifecs.  These EDI schemas are big and complicated things! (I'm looking at the 850)  Where can I find information about how to read the specifications and, more importantly, about what they mean and how to use them?

Any pointers would be appreciated.
Michael Weir

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