Quoted text is from <15A2D77655CDD1118B5500805F6FE87A05B3E1C6@pai820exch
002u.micro.lucent.com>, by Hurd, Richard A (Rich) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>We have a customer who is asking to use the ORDCHG message to make a change
>in the line-level ship-to code (specified in the ORDERS message with an
>NAD+ST segment.)  I was attempting to look through the standard to find a
>list of qualifiers that I might use to indicate that the ship-to code has
>changed, but cannot find anything that might work (or I'm reading it and
>completely missing it.)

A quote from the EDIFACT D96a ORDCHG definition - "If a line item is
requested to be changed, use of Action Request Code '3' indicates that
the line item is to be changed. The data transmitted in the LIN segment,
and segments attached to the LIN, replaces that previously held for the
order item."

Since your NAD+ST is 'attached to the LIN' wouldn't setting LIN 1229 to
'3' cover your requirement? I have not encountered this situation in
practice (at least not recently enough to remember it) so this should be
taken as a non-authoritative suggestion.


Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
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