Having worked with several EDI software and comm packages, I would recommend
Sterling Commerce Connect.
As a message handler, it allows many of the popular communication protocols.
Using their Gentran:Server EDI software on
NT, UNIX, AS400 and mainframe, combined with Connect gives you the complete

Lee LoFrisco
Sterling Commerce Service Partner Consultant
VoiceMail: 614.210.2706
Cell Phone: 410.963.6218
eFax: 810.277.5002

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Erica Wiley
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 1:46 PM
Subject: Input on Communications Packages

My company is implementing JDE OneWorld XE and I have been commissioned to
find us a replacement for our current EDI software from TIE Commerce
(formerly known as Saint Paul Software).  The major problem I seem to be
having is not finding software but finding good comms.  A lot just include
standard scripts for dialing into well known VANs but this is not enough.
My company has many trading partners that dial in to us like a VAN and we
use about 4 different VANS to get data from our trading partners.  Currently
we are using an in house written mailboxing system but would like to have
something that supports async connections and protocols such as xmodem,
zmodem, ymodem, etc..

Is there anyone out there that is using a comms package that they are happy
with that can do async, bisync, and mailboxing?  Even if the comms come with
your EDI software I would like to know about it.

Thanks for any input  you have.

Erica Wiley
Programmer Analyst/EDI Specialist
DeRoyal Industries, Inc.
Phone :   (865) 362-2017

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