Title: Harbinger Support and other issues

I am unable to refrain from adding our company's experiences:

Our company had a high priority support issue this week with Harbinger that is still not resolved.  After seventy-two hours of not being contacted, we contacted our account rep.  She indicated to us that their support for TLE-NT was very good (I wonder what bad is?) and she acted suprised that we were having problems.  We did get a response from Harbinger support following this, but it was just the usual request for another log file.

The standard support procedure when a ticket is opened is for Harbinger to continually request files from us, logs, maps, whatever.  When we finally get frustrated and quit sending these files since Harbinger is not using them, then they close the ticket and mark it Assumed Resolved.  They did actually handle one incident for us earlier this year.  On their web site it shows that the ticket was resolved in two days.  Reviewing e-mails on the incident, it was two weeks not two days.  I think this should help people understand why Harbinger pretends that there aren't problems.  The response times look good to them, even if they aren't correct or they aren't working towards problem resolution.

I spoke to a vendor earlier this week and he wanted to know why I was looking for another product.  The answer is simple:  TLE is a good product, but we do NOT have support.  That is bad enough, but their pricing policy is outrageous.  The mandatory upgrade and repricing our maintenance contract midstream is absolutely ridiculous.  I think that we would have grounds for legal action, but obviously this is costly.   Instead, our company will change to another software vendor as soon as practical.  In the short term, Harbinger got their money for the upgrade, but they have burned a lot of bridges in the process.

Alexis Graves
Systems Analyst
AIMS Logistics

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