        Software companies desupporting software is not uncommon.  Y2K was as best of
an example we'll ever have in our generations.  The difference was the way in
which Harbinger implemented the desupport plan.
        If IBM or Oracle want to desupport software they have a new version in market
first with at least one patch level/service pack.  They announce a phase one
pay per incident support period and then a desupport period. They would
typically leave the highest version of major revision out a little longer.
ie. Oracle 7.2 was desupported way before Oracle 7.3.4, the highest of 7.x.
Which is like say TLE 4.2.1 would hang on to support longer than 4.2, 4.1.4
before EV5.
        Now Harbinger announced desupport schedules before EV 5 was even released.
No pay per incident period, and TLE 4.2.1 is not hanging around longer than
the other ones all of 4.x is going away.
        Now I realize support for the least amount of versions is in Harbinger's best
financial interest, but there are compromises here.  Leave the latest version
of the 4 around a little longer.  It's supposed to be stable as it's the
highest version without major functionality adds so bugs should be worked out,
so support shouldn't be major anyway.  Harbinger must realize major IT budgets
are done a year at a time and alot of companies are still recovering from Y2K
barely enough time to submit for EV 5.  Last year Nov. 99 it wasn't even
released yet.  This year's budget is for purchases next year meanwhile the
purchase needs to be done by the end of this year to extend support on 4x.
        They have a too agreesive desupport schedule be it for bean counter reasons
or whatever.  They wanted customers to buy EV 5 sight unseen.  No option to
continue 4.x.


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