Title: EDI Shipment Report Document?
Our warehouses send us the UCC pallet code in the MAN segment with a GM qualifier inside the LX loop.  Basically, we get a different LX loop for each pallet and a W12 for each item on that pallet.   I could send you structure examples, if you are interested.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ilia Chlaifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 12:15 PM
Subject: EDI Shipment Report Document?

Greetings EDI-L:

I have a new situation and I hope that someone would be able to suggest a solution:

Our new warehouse requires 940 (Warehouse document) to pick the merchandise.
They will 'turn around' our 940 with 945 document.

The problem I have with 945 (please correct me if I am wrong) is that it doesn't contain enough information for me go generate the 856 (ASN) on my system.

As far as I now, the 945 doesn't deal with orders on the "carton" level, therefore it can not carry the UCC-128 carton numbers. The 945 will basically have all of the info we send them on 940...

If I will not be able to get my carton info on 945, what document should they use to transmit such data to me?


> Ilia Chlaifer
> EDI Coordinator
>> Kids Headquarters / Wear Me Apparel
31 W.34 Street, 11th Floor, NY, NY 10001>
> Bus:                    (212) 736-9266 x 152
> Bus Fax:            (212) 563-7959
> Email:                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> EDI Hotline:          (212) 736-9266 x 450
> Email:                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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