I need to connect a 3rd-party converter to the Harbinger Net over
an asynchronous modem connection.

I have talked to several Harbinger employees and have not yet found one
who could help me.  I need a handbook or a technical description
describing the command set for communicating with the Harbinger server.

Parallel to this project I have a similar project in which I must
establish a modem connection to the EDS-ELIT VAN.  This customer was
able to provide me with an informative handbook describing the exact
processes for connecting to the VAN and for uploading and downloading
messages. I need this type of guide for connecting to the Harbinger Net.
Any ideas?


Kendrick Gibson
Atos GmbH               Phone   +49 (0)30-89-01-00
Division e & industry   Fax     +49 (0)30-89-01-0100
Ku'damm 119             10711 Berlin,  Germany
Grapes don't die;  they end up as raisins or as a fine wine.

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