Ms McKeracher;

The ANSI definition of the 856 can certainly "handle" this situation; what
you describe is commonly called a "pick and pack" ASN, in which the general
structure is:

        Carton #1
            Item #1in carton #1
            Item #2 in carton #1
            Item#3 in carton #1
        Carton #2
            Item #1 in carton #2
            Item #2 in carton #2
            Item #3 in carton #2

At the item level, you may have a vendor identification as well, although
usually your purchase order # will be all the ID needed.

However, in The Real World, only a small percentage of customers who want
ASNs will actually want ASNs with more than one PO# per shipment (and
virtually no one accepts more than one shipment per ASN); so it all boils
down - yet again - to the "trading partner agreement and implementation

Michael C. Mattias
Tal Systems
Racine WI

----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah McKeracher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: FW: Question re: VICS EDI 856

> A contact of mine recommended you as a good source of information on edi
> transaction sets. I am hoping that you might be able to help me out with
> some questions that I have.  I have included those questions below.
> I am working in the apparel space, specifically in the shipping of goods
> retailer distribution centers or retailer stores. I am hoping that someone
> can help me with two questions that I have regarding VICS EDI 856.
> Specifically I am looking to find out:
> 1. I know that the VICS EDI 856 transaction set can support multiple
> purchase orders in a single pack. However, can it support multiple POs all
> from different vendors in a single pack?  Put another way, can we put
> multiple vendor goods in a single pack and will the 856 set support that?
> 2. If 856 can support different vendor goods in a single pack, what are
> implications for the case marking requirements?

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