Absolutely - also make sure your editor you are using to view your files is not converting characters also...  I have jumped through hoops for hours, only to find my Hex 0D0A's (CR-LFs) really weren't, they were LF's that a text editor was adding a CR to, totally unbeknownst to and outside of the translator of course.  FTP clients should resolve the ASCII-EBCDIC issue though.

Rob McNeece
Director. Integration Architecture
PaperFree, a New Era of Networks Company
(703) 847-5671 (w)     (703) 847-8882 (f)

Jay Richardson wrote:



What product are you using to FTP.  You might want to try sending the docs in Binary.  This usually fixes the problems with conversions. If you can connect directly try dropping to the FTP prompt and sending it type binary.  Your gateway software should support FTP via ASCII or binary.  We have ran across this problem numerous times.

Jay Richardson
EDI Programmer/ Analyst
AIMS Logistics

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: ASCII - EBCDIC conversion issue

Anthony wrote:
     I am on a Windows NT4.  I am FTPing ASCII X12 messages
     to my trading partner's Windows NT box.  From there they
     pull the messages into an IBM System 370.

     The problem arises when certain characters fail character
     set conversion from ASCII to EBCDIC.  The partner rejects
     an entire batch because it contains what they call
     "transparent data".


Does your X12 data contain any tilde (~) or pipe (|)
characters? I've had problems in the past converting
these characters between ASCII and EBCDIC.

Good luck.


<sig name    = 'Bob Lyons'
     title   = 'E-Commerce Consultant'
     company = 'Unidex, Inc.'
     phone   = '+1-732-975-9877'
     email   = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
     url     = 'http://www.unidex.com/'
     product = 'XML Convert: transforms flat files to XML & vice versa' />

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