Hey there!  In 1999, we did the same comparison and chose TIE.  I would be
happy to discuss our rationale with you, if you would like.  Email me
directly and we could set up a phone call?

I would add that we've been very happy with TIE.  For the record, we have
our eVision sitting on NT and interfacing with SAP which is on UNIX.

-----Original Message-----
From: Biessenberger, Jean Enforcer
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 11:47 AM

Hello everyone!

This is my first e-mail so be kind......

We are in the very early process of converting our legacy system to an ERP
with ROI.  I currently use Trading Partner PC/32 as my translator which has
worked okay up until now.  Trading Partner PC/32 cannot create the delimited
file that will be required by the ROI system.

Here's the question....we are looking into Harbinger and Tie Commerce as our
translator.  Tie Commerce has created the maps that are 80% complete to
interface with the ROI system.  I know very little about either Harbinger or

I would appreciate any feedback on either of these two.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Jean Biessenberger
EDI Coordinator
Enforcer Products,
a division of National Service Industries, Inc.

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